Sunday, February 20, 2005


just posting these fortunes that i've got evryday on my email. well, some of the fortunes here tells something about me and some really is true. (confusing!) well i'm gonna get some comments on this one when i have the time.

11:14 PM 04/17/2005
Feeling lucky? You should be. The person you've been wanting to meet is finally about to make a well-timed appearance. Now that might be someone entirely new, in which case you'll feel as if you've known them for your whole life. But it might also be someone you really have known for most of your life, in which case you'll discover a whole new side to each other. Either way, don't let them out of your sight tonight.

12:15 PM 03/03/2005
That new group of people you've been spending most of your evenings and weekends with, as of a few weeks back? Well, since history repeats itself, I'm sure you won't have any problem believing that they're about to ask you to take on more responsibility and help them keep things running smoothly and efficiently. You know you've been waiting eagerly for this to happen. Don't even try to pretend you aren't tickled pink.
Your fortune for today...
Just slack off today.

5:25 AM 03/02/2005
Being asked a favor is nothing new to you. You're always available when a friend or family member calls, whether they're looking for a loan for the electric bill, a ride to work or a shoulder to cry on. You pride yourself on being a good and loyal friend -- and there's no reason to expect that to change. You may need to think for a second before you respond to this latest plea for help, though. It's a big one.

11:22 AM 02/26/2005
This is one of those days -- one of those days when the universe can't quite make up its mind about whether to surprise and delight us or absolutely astound us. Either way, you, of course, will be fine with it. You love the unpredictable. You try to arrange it, sometimes. But if your dear one isn't feeling quite as enthusiastic about it, don't be impatient. Try to get them to see how much fun it might be to just let go.

7:35 AM 02/22/2005
You can come out now. The drama -- no, the melodrama -- of the past few days has ended, and you can get back to business as usual. There may be a few residual traces of emotionality left over between you and a dear one, however. The only way to deal with it is to talk about it, openly and honestly. Get this over with. You both have far more important things to do with your time -- especially your time together.

4:48 AM 02/20/2005
You're very close to the folks you work with and to your neighbors. These people, and your friends, often feel like extended family to you. So when someone calls you and sounds rather plaintive, don't hesitate to use all your intellectual wiles to get the story out of them. They obviously need to talk, or they wouldn't have contacted you. But some people have trouble accepting help, even when they need it. It's your job to convince them that it's all right.

4:51 AM 01/15/2005
You're usually the very soul of objectivity, but not today. You're in an extremely unusual mood -- in fact, you're feeling nostalgic, sentimental (what you'd ordinarily refer to as 'mushy,' and only if you were feeling generous). What's up with that? Well, look at it this way: Even Aquarians are entitled to gush a little every now and then. It's simply your turn. Besides, there's someone out there who'll be delighted at this temporary lapse. It's called 'romance' in some tribes, by the way.

6:06 AM 12/30/2004
You definitely woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Just make sure that your self-confidence doesn't devolve into arrogance. If you rely completely on your own devices, you may miss a wonderful opportunity to make a significant connection. The sound of your own voice may be music to your ears, but only by listening to others can you broaden your experience and expand your perceptions beyond your usual boundaries. Be open to the possibilities.

7:06 AM 12/23/2004
Try not to go overboard or get too dramatic. Your hunger to experience something different could put you in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are many creative ways to escape boredom. If you can't be ecstatic, at least find some harmless route to contentment. Part of the problem may be the company you choose to keep. It might be time to add some new faces to your usual mix.

11:21 AM 12/22/2004
You're a big fan of blunt honesty and the naked truth. If you think it, you're likely to say it without censoring it for the audience. Luckily, you run with a crowd that has a sense of the absurd. Keep in mind that not everyone in the world appreciates your finely tuned sense of humor. If you were to refine this approach, imagine how many more people you could reach. Stand-up comedy or a career in acting might not be too far of a stretch for you.

1:43 PM 12/8/2004
Take some time out and get to know a new acquaintance, culture or start a new course. Get intellectual and explore the world -- you'll find it rewarding. Figuring out what makes other people tick gives you unexpected insight about your own situations. You are very open to new information and ideas, so let your curiosity be your guide. By taking in many new things, you may discover how much you have to give.

12:48 PM 12/7/2004
There's nothing more dangerous than assuming that you know everything. If you listen carefully, someone's forthright manner is liable to stop you in your tracks -- but not in the way you expected. When was the last time you were as sure as the person who's now trying to convince you of something? The only conclusion you'll probably come to is that maybe this business isn't settled after all. Keep an open mind tonight.

4:58 AM 12/6/2004
For someone who usually likes to go with the flow or delegate the course of events, it's not like you to be so fixated on the details. Others are confused by your reactions. You might not even be aware that anything is different. Listen to what they're telling you instead of laughing it off. Although you weren't planning for a day of self-examination, this may be the time for looking at the whole picture instead of all its parts. Things are actually different from what you thought they were.

5:25 AM 12/2/2004
You really can't put off a home repair much longer. You may as well dig out the tools and tackle it today, whether it's a dripping faucet, a loose floorboard, a running toilet or some other minor annoyance. Sure, you'd much rather spend the afternoon lazing around or taking a drive, but look on this exercise as a challenge to your tendency for procrastination. Be truthful with yourself: Have you been challenging yourself enough lately?

9:02 AM 12/1/2004
Half of life is just showing up, so don't sit this one out. The events that are about to take place are too important for you to miss. Find a way to deal with whatever is bothering you and move on. Try not to let your emotions rule the rest of your body. You have enough inner strength to get through these circumstances, but you may not know it yet. Do whatever it takes to summon the courage you need to get past this so you can claim your next victory.

5:01 AM 11/20/2004
This is the kind of day you live for! Prepare to soar -- you've got the wind at your back and boundless excitement in your heart. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. Others notice and admire you for no apparent reason (at least from your point of view). Friends and coworkers will fight over who gets to spend the most time with you. People follow your lead, even if you're just going to the corner store. Don't take advantage of this blind faith. Tonight, accept an unexpected invitation.

6:51 AM 11/19/2004
Even as you make changes today, allow yourself to be changed. The electric frenzy of the last few days takes on a dreamlike quality, and you find yourself influenced by subtle moods and atmospheres. This can be invaluable to your current plans. Follow your instincts through the unexpected ideas and seemingly random connections. You may find yourself nudged by an inspiration that at one time you could have never imagined.

6:29 AM 11/18/2004
Mysteries and enigmas drive you to distraction, but there's really very little you can do to make the situation any less frustrating. You're just going to have to accept things for what they are, because it might be a long time before you get any kind of rational explanation. Sure, you can go in search of the answers somewhere else, but there's bound to be red tape just about everywhere you turn. Let this one go, and you'll get answers when you least expect them.

horoscope 11:58 AM 11/11/2004
Someone that you haven't seen in ages suddenly comes back into the picture. Lost items appear out of the woodwork. The thing that you imagined for so long is finally a reality. No matter how you look at it, there's a new element in play. Since change is your friend, there are no complaints coming from you. You can tell from someone else's comments that this person is on your wavelength. When you share secrets, you'll discover striking similarities between your inner worlds. Each new connection comes as a pleasant surprise.

horoscope 8:55 AM 11/13/2004
What the heck is going on with you lately? Maybe it's time to reevaluate your standards. Face facts -- you can know someone for years, but that doesn't mean people are ever predictable. Deal with people as individuals rather than as members of your categories. It might be necessary to open your already expansive mind just a bit further. You may not think it's possible, but if you make the effort, the rewards will be obvious.


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